Tops Off Adventures strongly suggests that pets are not appropriate on certain adventure or events. Long hours in vehicles, association with people unfamiliar to the animal, access to inappropriate foods, restricted park areas, leash rules and laws, and many other drawbacks make including pets in the events hurting the owner and the other participants. If you have to bring your pet, you must agree to the following:
1. Provide documentation from your vet showing that the animal is currently inoculated for rabies or current rabies tag.
2. The animal must be confined to the owner’s vehicle or on a leash and kept away from other participants.
3. Owners are responsible for removal and disposal of their pets waste in all public areas.
4. Pets are not allowed in dining area at any time.
5. Certain facilities do not allow pets on site. This does not include certified Service Dogs.
6. The pet owner agrees to hold Tops Off Adventures LLC, and all employees thereof harmless from any liability which arises out of any incident involving owner’s pet, and harmless from any incident harming the pet itself.
I have read, understand and agree to the above.